Mom Shades

Tips & Tricks to Make Being a Mom Easier

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What Sushi is Safe While Pregnant? Safe Options and More

Maki, temaki, nigiri, sashimi – these tasty types of sushi are tempting. But when you’re expecting, seafood and sushi are risky propositions. I wouldn’t be surprised if your doctor warned you away from them. What sushi is safe while pregnant?…

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Foods for Pregnancy: Foods & Benefits

How do you get omega-3 when pregnant? Chances are that your prenatal vitamin already has it. If not, it’s not hard to find one that does. But you can also add foods with healthy fatty acids to your diet. Today’s…

Can a Pregnant Woman Eat Feta Cheese? Experts Explain

It’s in your pasta, on your salad, and your pizza. But can a pregnant woman eat feta cheese? That’s a good question because feta is a soft cheese. Generally speaking, doctors warn women to avoid soft cheese during pregnancy. Let’s…

Can Pregnant Women Eat Clams? Do Clams Contain Mercury?

Are shellfish on the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy? What about oysters, scallops, and shrimp? Can pregnant women eat clams? Seafood is a tricky topic because it’s good and bad during pregnancy. You already know that eating raw…

Can You Take Lactaid Pills While Pregnant? Interactions, Uses

You ate ice cream and now your tummy hurts. Soon you’ll have gas and maybe diarrhea. If dairy makes you sick then you’re probably lactose intolerant. You’re unable to digest lactose, the sugar that exists in milk products. Therefore, your…

Ear Popping in Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Why do my ears pop when I’m pregnant? Like so many other changes during pregnancy, it could be related to hormonal changes. It could also mean that you have an ear infection, too much wax, or an eustachian tube dysfunction….