Your body needs collagen for almost everything. It’s a key building block for muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, and nails. But prenatal vitamins don’t typically have collagen in them. As a result, I’ve seen a lot of you asking if you can take collagen while pregnant.
I recommend that you talk to your OB/GYN or nutritionist about supplementing with collagen during pregnancy. In the meantime, I’ll fill you in on whether it’s good to take collagen while pregnant, how much is safe to take, and where to get it.
Why is collagen helpful during pregnancy?
As the baby grows in your womb, she takes a lot of resources. Both of you need collagen to have healthy bodies. Although your body naturally produces collagen with the help of protein, vitamin C, copper, and zinc, you may benefit from supplementing your diet with it.
Both of you require collagen for muscles, joints, connective tissue, and so on. It keeps the skin moisturized and firm and helps hair and nails grow (1).
If you have a varied diet that’s rich in protein, you may eat enough collagen without supplementing. But if your nails are brittle, your hair is fragile, and your skin is dry, you may need extra collagen. (These could be signs of other health problems and that’s why it’s essential to talk to your doctor about taking collagen).
Where can you get collagen?
You can get collagen by eating eggs and bone broth. Powdered supplements often include the ligaments, tendons, skin, and bones of animals, too.
There are different types of collagen used for different functions in the body. I’ll explain that in a moment. In the meantime, let’s get to the burning question.
Is collagen safe during pregnancy?
Collagen is in the food that you eat – as long as you eat meat, fish, or eggs. Therefore, collagen is safe as it’s a part of the natural human diet.
However, is it safe to supplement with extra collagen during pregnancy? Can you take pills or peptides powder, for example?
The bad news is that there is next to no research on how collagen supplementation affects pregnant women and fetuses. This is why I keep saying to talk to your doctor about it (1).
If you took collagen before pregnancy, it might be okay to continue. But please, consult with your OB/GYN. Not only would a collagen supplement add more protein to your diet, but there are different types of collagen and some should be avoided during pregnancy.
If you’re on a protein-restricted diet because of a health issue, you may not be able to supplement with collagen.
And marine collagen (from fish and seafood) may contain mercury, which is toxic to both mother and baby.
What collagen is safe during pregnancy?
There are different types of collagen. One is undenatured or raw. A good example is chicken cartilage. That’s probably not something most of us would enjoy eating.
The other is hydrolyzed collagen. It can be made from various animals. But it’s packaged in either capsule or powder form and it’s water-soluble. It’s much easier for the body to digest and use.
We can also subdivide collagen into more subtypes that help with different parts of the body.
Which collagen type is best during pregnancy?
There are several different types of collagen in the body.
The most common is type I which makes up the skin, connective tissues, tendons, bones, and teeth. You can get type I collagen from either bovine or marine collagen sources (2).
Type II is a part of the cartilage in joints, the nose, ribs, and throat. It may help reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis. But it only comes from marine collagen, not bovine.
Type III helps muscles, arteries, and organs function properly. If you don’t have enough of this kind of collagen, you might have problems with vascular disorders, kidney, and liver disease. Fortunately, it comes from bovine sources.
Meanwhile, type V helps build the placenta along with bones, muscles, and organs.
Lastly, type X supports cartilage formation just like type II.
As you can see, the best collagen to take while pregnant would be a blend of various types.
What are the benefits of taking collagen while pregnant?
Your doctor may agree that supplementing with collagen has significant benefits for you. For instance, if you have enough collagen in your diet, it helps maintain bone density. That’s crucial during pregnancy and breastfeeding because your body is working hard to produce bone cells and absorb enough calcium (2).
Moreover, the hormonal surges during pregnancy wreak havoc with the skin and hair. Extra collagen may help you manage breakouts, stretch marks, and dryness.
Since it’s not recommended to take painkillers when you’re pregnant, joint pain becomes a bigger problem as the months progress. But collagen may help strengthen joints and muscles.
What’s more, a collagen supplement may help manage blood sugar fluctuations, too (2).
What are the risks of collagen during pregnancy?
Can collagen cause miscarriage? As I mentioned before, there has been very little research regarding collagen and pregnancy. That also means there’s no established link between collagen and miscarriage (2).
Is marine collagen safe during pregnancy? Marine collagen is harvested from seafood which means there is a risk of consuming mercury. I’d recommend avoiding marine collagen during pregnancy even though it’s the best source of type II collagen.
What about foodborne bacteria like listeria from bovine collagen? There should be nothing to worry about as hydrolyzed collagen has already been boiled before being made into powder.
Which collagen is best for vegan mothers?
At the moment, the only vegan collagen isn’t actually collagen at all. It’s made from yeast and bacteria. It’s a collagen booster to stimulate the body to produce collagen.
What’s the best way for an expectant mother to take collagen?
My all-time favorite way to take collagen is to pour a scoop into my smoothie and blend it. My second favorite way is to stir it into tea, coffee, or soup.
But you can also bake collagen powder into cookies, casseroles, and so on. You won’t even know it’s there!
If you’re curious about the best collagen supplements, I’ve reviewed them below:
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder

As you’ll notice, I picked the unflavored collagen powder from each brand because it’s the most versatile. However, most companies offer flavored versions like chocolate or vanilla.
I prefer powder instead of capsules because it’s one less pill to swallow. Plus, I can use it to boost almost anything I eat or drink.
I like this brand because it uses hydrolyzed collagen from pasture-raised cows. It’s easy to dissolve in pretty much anything and it’s odorless and flavorless. The only ingredient is collagen so it shouldn’t conflict with prenatal vitamins or medications.
Sports Research Collagen Powder

This brand of hydrolyzed collagen powder comes in natural, chocolate, or vanilla flavors. The company says that the supplement is third-party tested to meet the US and European regulations regarding hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, and pesticides. It’s made in the USA but there’s no indication of where the collagen comes from.
The powder features both type I and type III collagen for skin, hair, nails, joints, and bones. A single scoop per day provides 11 grams of collagen with 10 grams of protein but only 40 calories. If you’re into the science behind it, these peptides provide 18 amino acids, the building blocks of the body.
BUBS Naturals Collagen Peptides Powder

You may have seen that many collagen supplements are also labeled as peptide powder. Don’t worry because they are basically the same thing. Both are proteins made up of amino acids. Nevertheless, peptides may be easier for the body to absorb because they consist of shorter chains of amino acids that have been broken down by hydrolysis.
With regards to this brand of collagen, people say it’s one of the easiest to dissolve into beverages. I didn’t get to test it myself but I dug deep into the manufacturer’s info and reviews of the product.
To get a full serving of 20 grams of collagen with 7 amino acids, you’ll need two scoops. The collagen comes from pasture-raised cows in Brazil. The grass they consume is non-GMO. Plus, the powder itself is certified gluten-free, dairy-free, and corn-free.
Bulletproof Unflavored Collagen Protein Powder Packets

If you’ve been into biohacking, you know about Bulletproof products. I couldn’t resist adding this brand of collagen because it comes from pasture-raised cows that aren’t treated with growth hormones. Each serving provides 13 grams of protein, which is more than you’ll probably get from bone broth. The powder is packaged into individual packets so it’s easy to take with you.
If you’re having trouble keeping food down because of morning sickness, it might be the boost of protein you need. Blend it into a smoothie with ginger and sip on it to feel better. You might also be interested in trying the Gut Health Collagen supplement with pre- and probiotics for easier digestion.
After pregnancy and when you’re done nursing, check out other options like Vanilla Sleep Collagen with melatonin, magnesium, and chamomile. There’s also Stress Relief Collagen with ashwagandha.
Garden of Life Grass-Fed Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder + Probiotics
This brand of collagen is tested for heavy metals. The company sources it from Europe because of the stricter animal welfare practices there. The cattle herds are small and traceable and they graze on non-GMO grass. They also aren’t subjected to growth hormones.
Moreover, the collagen is third-party tested for purity and potency. It’s also certified gluten-free by the NSF. That’s excellent if you want to be sure that you are getting pure bovine collagen without additives or contaminants.
Lastly, the brand includes probiotics, specifically 1.5 billion CFU of Lactobacillus plantarum. Why is this important? This beneficial bacteria is linked to preventing obesity, diabetes, and cancer (3). It’s there to help your body get the most from the collagen.
What about collagen pills or gummies?
I decided not to review collagen capsules or collagen gummies. Sadly, gummies are all too often sweetened with sugar or they contain artificial flavors and sweeteners. Even though they taste good, they aren’t as versatile as collagen powder. You could try blending them into a smoothie, but it’s just not the same thing.
Then, do you really want to take more pills? If prenatal vitamins are hard enough to keep down, how much benefit would you get from swallowing capsules? Not to mention the caking agents and fillers some brands use. Collagen powder is just straight protein, especially if you get the unflavored version.
Finally, you can easily adjust the dose of collagen powder by using one scoop or half a scoop. Furthermore, you can add a small portion to each meal instead of taking it all at once.
Should you take collagen during pregnancy?
Science is learning more about what pregnant women and fetuses need. It wasn’t so long ago that omega-3 fatty acids weren’t part of the conversation and now they are recommended during pregnancy. The same may happen with collagen once more studies are completed. In the meantime, I highly recommend that you talk to your doctor about whether collagen supplementation would benefit you and your baby.
If you choose to take collagen, I’d suggest starting with unflavored powder and working it into your diet in a natural way. Mix it in a shaker with your milk before you pour the milk on the cereal, for example.
If you find it difficult to dissolve in cold beverages, stir it into hot food or drinks. I’ve even made gluten-free brownies with collagen powder and they turned out delicious.
In conclusion, I hope this helped you find the answers you need today. I wish you and your baby all the best now and in the future.
1. Collagen Powder During Pregnancy – Is It Safe? By Rama Aiyer -January 11, 2022
2. Can You Take Collagen Powder (Peptides) While Pregnant? Is It Safe? Written by Samantha Broghammer, RD
3. Arasu MV, Al-Dhabi NA, Ilavenil S, Choi KC, Srigopalram S. In vitro importance of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum related to medical field. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2016 Jan;23(1):S6-S10. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.09.022. Epub 2015 Oct 9. PMID: 26858567; PMCID: PMC4705246.