Mom Shades

Tips & Tricks to Make Being a Mom Easier

Year: 2022

The 16 Best Maternity Shirts to Celebrate Your Pregnancy

Expecting a baby? What better way to share the news than with a fun, cute t-shirt! There are so many creative and unique designs that make it easy for expectant mothers and fathers to express their excitement without having to…

Is Oatmeal Good for Pregnancy? Health Benefits & Side Effects

During pregnancy watching over the food habits is essential. Whenever we try new recipes involving unique ingredients at the time of pregnancy, be a little more cautious and feel alarms to check its safety features. Oatmeal is widely recommended by…

Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant? How Much Is Safe?

You’re tired and there’s a lot to do today. Can you drink coffee while pregnant? Yes, you can, within limits. Like everything during pregnancy, you’ve got to do it in moderation. Let’s talk about the guidelines for how much caffeine…

The Keto Diet During Pregnancy: Is It Safe or Are There Risks?

You may already know that Halle Berry stayed on the keto diet while she was pregnant. She is diabetic and has spoken out about how much the low-carb lifestyle has helped her. But was it wise to do the keto…

Melasma During Pregnancy: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Imagine a beautiful, tender mini soul being brought into your life after nine months of growing and nurturing. Isn’t that wonderful? Indeed this adventurous process helps you appreciate nature’s gift. However, people say, “nothing good comes easy”. The transformation of…

Can You Eat Spicy Food While Pregnant? Risks and Tips

Can you eat spicy food while pregnant? Let’s think about that for a moment because it leads to all sorts of interesting questions. For example, is it normal to crave spicy food while pregnant? Or does spicy food cause miscarriage?…