Mom Shades

Tips & Tricks to Make Being a Mom Easier

Year: 2022

Vitamin A During Pregnancy: Why Is It Important? And Dosage

Why is it important to have enough vitamin A during pregnancy? This fat-soluble vitamin is responsible for the growth of your baby from embryo to birth. It’s crucial for virtually every aspect of your child’s well-being. For example, vitamin A…

Folate vs. Folic Acid in Pregnancy: Differences, Benefits

Why does your prenatal have folate instead of folic acid? We applaud your keen eye. Let’s talk about folate versus folic acid in pregnancy. There are differences with benefits from each one. Is it better to take folic acid or…

The 6 Best Mouthwash for Pregnancy Gingivitis (2024 Review)

Do you have swollen, tender, bleeding gums? Those are signs of pregnancy gingivitis. It affects up to 75% of pregnant people (1). Gingivitis also causes bad breath and receding gums. It’s linked to high progesterone hormone levels and too much…

Can You Take Biotin While Pregnant? Here’s What The Experts Say

Can you take hair vitamins during pregnancy? The best-known vitamin for hair, nails, and skin is biotin. The good news is that you can take biotin while pregnant. It is safe. In fact, it’s probably already in your prenatal vitamin….

How to Reduce Swelling in Legs and Feet During Pregnancy?

It’s pretty much a given when you’re pregnant to have swollen feet and legs. Not only are you going through hormonal changes, but your body is retaining more fluid. As your baby grows, she will put more pressure on your…

Is Aspartame Safe for Pregnancy? Side Effects & Health Risks

There are many reasons why pregnant women cut back on sugar. It might be because of gestational diabetes or it could be to avoid gaining too much weight. Perhaps it’s to reduce inflammation in the body or prevent energy crashes….