Benefits of Swimming During Pregnancy and Tips to Stay Safe
Is swimming recommended when pregnant? Yes, it is! There are many benefits of swimming during pregnancy. It doesn’t just help you stay fit, but it also helps the baby by improving your blood circulation. How does swimming help a pregnant…
Is Calendula Safe During Pregnancy? Uses, Health Benefits
If you prefer natural products, it’s good to know what herbs should be avoided when you’re pregnant. One example is ginseng which interferes with the baby’s growth and could lead to a miscarriage. Ginseng appears in herbal tea, energy drinks,…
Is Ginseng Safe During Pregnancy? All You Need to Know
What herbs should be avoided while pregnant? It’s best to avoid taking herbs with hormonal activity like saw palmetto and those that stimulate the uterus like dong quai and black cohosh. Admittedly, these aren’t things that the average person comes…
Why Can’t Pregnant Women Eat Deli Meat? Dietitian Explains
During pregnancy, Chrissy Teigen craved Lunchables with processed meat and cheese. She’s not the only one with a craving for cold cuts. But we bet your doctor told you to stay away from sliced meat, hotdogs, and the like. What’s…
Vitamin A During Pregnancy: Why Is It Important? And Dosage
Why is it important to have enough vitamin A during pregnancy? This fat-soluble vitamin is responsible for the growth of your baby from embryo to birth. It’s crucial for virtually every aspect of your child’s well-being. For example, vitamin A…
Folate vs. Folic Acid in Pregnancy: Differences, Benefits
Why does your prenatal have folate instead of folic acid? We applaud your keen eye. Let’s talk about folate versus folic acid in pregnancy. There are differences with benefits from each one. Is it better to take folic acid or…